Dec 集团赞助第四届干粉吸入剂技术中国研讨会

文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2016-03-04
Ecublens, 2016年3月3日; Dec集团(Dietrich Engineering Consultants) 是一家全球领先的粉体处理系统的供应商,以世界领先工艺密闭技术和微粉化系统专家而知名。Dec已为制药、化工、食品、化妆行业服务超过25年。

Ecublens, 2016年3月3日; Dec集团(Dietrich Engineering Consultants) 是一家全球领先的粉体处理系统的供应商,以世界领先工艺密闭技术和微粉化系统专家而知名。Dec已为制药、化工、食品、化妆行业服务超过25年。

全球众多企业已成功地将超过4000套的 Dec系统集成至它们的生产线上。这些系统包括升级安全、卫生、密闭、可靠性、产能的多元化的专利粉体处理系统。

Dec 提供跨越粉体处理和工艺密闭应用的创新方案,包括传输、微粉化、灌装/清空、取样、散料处理、密闭、混合/均化、配料、无菌方案、粉碎、在位清洗(CIP)

Dec 宣布参加第四届干粉吸入剂技术中国研讨

MC Jetmill© 300 plant

会的组织,并将在研讨会中对 MCJetmill© 微粉化系列设备及其在制药行业应用的优势进行演讲 。



继2013、2014和2015年连续三届干粉吸入制剂技术中国研讨会(DPI China)取得圆满成功后,我们很高兴通知并邀请您参加2016年第四届干粉吸入制剂技术中国研讨会。本次会议宗旨主要关注干粉吸入制剂产品的研究与开发技术,解决越来越多的呼吸系统用药难题。

“穹顶之下”pm 2.5愈来愈严重,大气污染已经危及到我们所有人的健康、安全。由此引发的呼吸系统疾病正在吞噬越来越多人的生命。

目前,全球哮喘(Asthma)患者约3亿人,中国哮喘患者约3000万,并每年以4%的速度增长。慢性阻塞性肺病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD)目前居全球死亡原因的第4位。我国的流行病学调查表明,40岁以上人群COPD患病率为8.2%。调查发现,2016年底,全球Asthma/COPD的治疗用药市场预计高达440亿—480亿美金,成为继肿瘤和糖尿病之后的第三大医药市场。






上海万和昊美艺术酒店三楼万和厅 (上海浦东新区张江祖冲之路2299弄)







周 鹏


手机:+86 186 2166 5533


Dec Group to sponsor the 4th Dry Powder Inhalation China Technology Conference

Ecublens, March 3, 2016

Dec Group (Dietrich Engineering Consultants) is a leading global provider of powder handling systems and is recognized as a world-leading expert in process containment technologies an micronizing systems. It has been supplying the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetic industries for more than 25 years.

Many companies worldwide have successfully integrated more than 4000 Dec systems into their production sites. These include a wide range of patented products that enhance safety, hygiene, containment, reliability and productivity in powder handling.

Dec offers innovative approaches across the range of powder handling and process containment applications, including transfer, micronizing, filling/emptying, sampling, bulk handling, containment, mixing/blending, dosing, aseptic solutions, milling and clean in place (CIP).

MC Jetmill© 300 plant

Dec announces their participation of the DFE pharma organized, 4th Dry Powder Inhalation China Technology Conference presenting a conference on their MCJetmill© micronizing range of equipment and how it can benefit the pharmaceutical manufacturing industries.

About the conference

In 2013, 2014 and 2015, the 1st , 2nd and 3rd DPI China Technology Conference were held with great success. In response to participants request to organise a fourth edition DFE Pharma are happy to announce and invite you to the 2016 DPI China!

Presentations will be held by experts in the field of development of dry powder inhaler products. The industry interest in China is very explainable as the Chinese pharmaceutical industry is rapidly growing into a dominant player in the global market.

With regard to the DPI market China is unfortunately also rapidly growing. Due mainly to population growth in Chinese cities, increased air pollution is becoming a major cause of human respiratory diseases. According to the Global Initiative for Asthma, there are more than 300 million asthma patients worldwide, with over 30 million in China. This value is increasing with 4% a year.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently among the top four global causes of death. A recent epidemiological survey showed that 8.2% of all people over the age of 40 suffer from COPD. The Global Asthma / COPD survey states that, by the end of 2016, the treatment and medication market for COPD will be US $ 44 billion to $ 48 billion, making it the third largest medical market, after cancer and diabetes.

Traditional aerosol products with propellants (CFC or HFA) will cause irreparable damage to the atmosphere, so an increasing number of pharmaceutical companies are researching dry powder inhaler formulations. With China's large population, the potential Asthma / COPD pharmaceutical market is huge, but research into respiratory medicine has been slow, and technology lags behind the levels of western countries.

The challenge of developing new, high quality respiratory drugs, while complying with existing medical patents, means that our current technology needs to change. Overcoming the technical barriers to design and manufacture dry powder inhaler formulations is a more vital and urgent task than ever. As in the previous edition, apart from formal presentations with room for questions we will have a group Q&A session at the end of the two day conference providing all attendees the possibility to tap into the expertise of the panel present. Speakers will also be representing their industry leading companies in the exhibition section during coffee and lunch breaks. These are excellent opportunities to network and get into contact.

Date: 16 – 17 March 2016


Cost of the meeting: All meetings, food and service are free;

Attendees must book their own Accommodation

Contact: Mr. Zhou Peng, Mobile Phone:+86 186 2166 5533, Email:

Dec Group, G. Mikhaiel
