
文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2016-03-09

2016年3月29-30日,由中国化工学会、日本化学工学会、德国德西玛协会主办,宁波市科学技术协会、宁波石化经济技术开发区联合主办的“2016中国(国际)烯烃大会”将在宁波举办。大会将打造具有引导性、权威性的学术和产业国际性平台,引导行业深入探讨在国际低油价挑战下的烯烃产业升级战略。会议将邀请烯烃产业上下游规划、生产、技术等领域的多位专家学者和企业家,从三大方面研讨当前国内外烯烃产业的发展途径:“烯烃原料多元化与技术升级——提升核心竞争能力”、“烯烃下游及副产综合利用——得市场者得天下”、“聚烯烃及催化剂技术——通用树脂高端化路线图”。来自石化规划院、中科院、宁波大学、中国石化、中国石油、中化集团、神华集团等国内烯烃行业领军机构和企业以及Honeywell UOP、CB&I Lummus、KBR、陶氏化学、科莱恩、Townsend Solutions等国际知名公司及咨询集团,将共同带来烯烃产业链战略、技术与市场的前沿进展。


烯烃是国民经济重要的基础原料,在石油和化学工业发展中占有重要的战略地位。亚洲已成为全球烯烃生产和需求的增长中心,在国际油价低位运行和烯烃原料多元化的背景下,促进烯烃产业的优化整合升级,以技术进步提升竞争力成为国际石化企业应对挑战的重要措施。“十三五” 是我国烯烃工业进一步优化升级、提高国际竞争力的关键时期。中国烯烃产业将以满足市场需求和提升竞争力为目标,坚持“原料多元化、集中布局、技术创新、可持续发展”四项基本原则,充分利用好国际国内两种资源、两个市场,优化产业布局,大力推动技术进步,加快调整产品结构,发展高附加值、高技术含量的下游产品,提高烯烃资源综合利用率,广泛参与国际合作,促进烯烃工业持续、快速、健康发展。


联系方式:010-64438624,13717663872, renyf@ciesc.net.cn



2016 China International Olefin Conference

2016年3月29-30日 浙江宁波和丰花园酒店

29-30th March, 2016 Ningbo, Zhejiang




德国德西玛化工与生物技术协会(DECHEMA e.V.)



(Ningbo science and Technology Association)


(Ningbo Petrochemical Economic and Technological Development Zone)



(Ningbo University of Technology)

Townsend Solutions




(Ningbo Municipal People's Government)

2016 China International Olefin Conference


Agenda (Updated to Feb. 29)


MONDAY MARCH 28, 2016 3月28日周一

10:00am-10:00 pm REGISTRATION 报到

浙江宁波和丰花园酒店一层大厅 1st Floor, Ningbo Hefeng Garden Hotel

DAY 1 –TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 3月29日周二(会议第1天)


TOPIC: Upgrading strategy of olefin industry under the challenges of low oil price低油价挑战下的烯烃产业升级战略

Welcome address

By CAST, Ningbo Municipal People’s Government, CIESC and DECHEMA e.V.


Current status and 13th five-year plan interpretation of olefin industry

By Bai Yi, Deputy Director of China National Petroleum and Chemical Planning Institute

中国烯烃产业现状及“十三五”发展规划解读——石油和化学工业规划院副院长 白颐

Technical breakthrough and industrialization of MTO

By Liu Zhongmin, Academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, Deputy Director of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

甲醇制烯烃的技术突破及工业化——中国工程院院士、中科院大连化学物理研究所副所长 刘中民

Tea Break 茶歇

Current status and planning of Ningbo Petrochemical Economic and Technological Development Zone

By Xi Weida, Deputy Director, Administration Committee of Ningbo Petrochemical Economic and Technological Development Zone

宁波石化园区发展现状及规划——宁波石化经济技术开发区管委会副主任 席伟达

Comparison and thought about the routes for ethylene production

By Wang Yuqing, Professorate Senior Engineer, Director of Petroleum Chemical Engineering Branch, CIESC

几种生产乙烯工艺技术路线的比较与思考——中国化工学会石油化工专业分会主任委员、教授级高工 王玉庆

The industrial practice and technological progress of the olefin produced by cracking of petroleum fractions

By Hua Wei, Chief Expert of petroleum and chemical technology and production; Former Vice General Manager of Beijing Yanshan Company

石油馏分裂解制烯烃的工业实践和工艺进步——中石化石油化工生产技术首席专家,北京燕山分公司原副总经理、总工程师 华炜

12:30 pm LUNCH (Buffet) 自助午餐

TOPIC: Olefin feedstock diversification and technology upgrading--promoting core competitiveness烯烃原料多元化与技术升级——提升核心竞争能力

Strengthening the technology development to enhance the technical level of cracking furnace

By Wang Guoqing, Professorate Senior Engineer, deputy chief engineer of Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry SINOPEC

加强技术开发提升裂解炉技术水平——中国石化北京化工研究院副总工程师、教授级高工 王国清

Diversification of raw materials and operation optimization of ZRCC ethylene project

By SINOPEC Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company


Olefin cracking (OCC) technology and its application

By Teng Jiawei, Professorate Senior Engineer, Director of Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology

烯烃裂解(OCC)技术及其应用——上海石油化工研究院部门主任,教授级高工 滕加伟

Olefin Feedstock Diversification & Optimization with UOP Oleflex and MaxEne Technology

By He Jianbo, Honeywell UOP

烯烃原料多样化和综合利用——UOP Oleflex 和MaxEne技术

霍尼韦尔UOP公司 何剑波

Tea break茶歇

TOPIC: Comprehensive utilization of olefin downstream and by-products烯烃下游及副产综合利用——得市场者得天下

Advanced OCT with Feedstock diversification and advanced CATOFIN® PDH technology

By Wang Jianguo, Technology Manager, CB&I Lummus

多种进料解决方案的先进的OCT技术和先进的CATOFIN®丙烷脱氢技术——西比埃鲁姆斯技术公司(北京)技术经理 王建国

KBR Olefin Technology--Olefin Feedstock Diversification and Product High Recovery Rate

By Li Yanbo, Technology Manager, KBR

KBR烯烃技术适用于原料多元化和产品高收率——凯洛格布朗路特公司(KBR)技术经理 李彦博

Introduction and evaluation of the comprehensive utilization of light hydrocarbons

By Mao Jinchi, Vice General Manager, KaiRui Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

凯瑞环保轻烃利用新技术的发展——凯瑞环保科技股份有限公司副总经理、总工程师 毛进池

Current Status and Development of C4 Deep Processing

By Zhou Guanglin, Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum

醚后碳四深加工现状及发展前景——中国石油大学副教授 周广林

SINOPEC Ethylene Complete Technology

By He Xi’ou, Deputy Chief Engineer, SEI

中国石化乙烯成套技术——中国石化工程建设有限公司副总工 何细藕

6:30 pm DINNER (Buffet) 自助晚餐

DAY 2 – WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 3月30日周三(会议第2天)

TOPIC: Polyolefin and catalyst technology -- high-end roadmap of general resins聚烯烃及催化剂技术——通用树脂高端化路线图

Polyethylene Technologies and Markets

By Dr.Clifford C. Lee, Vice President of Townsend Solutions

聚乙烯技术研究和市场发展——Townsend Solutions 副总裁 Clifford C. Lee

High performance polyolefin new materials research

By Qiao Jinliang, Chief Expert of polymer chemistry, Vice President of Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry


Catalyst technology and application progress from Sinopec

By Qin Jinlai, deputy chief engineer of SINOPEC CATALYST Co.,LTD

中国石化催化剂技术及应用进展——中国石化催化剂有限公司副总工程师 秦金来

Tea Break 茶歇

Research and development of polypropylene catalyst technology in China

By Yi Jianjun, Professor level senior engineer, CNPC Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry

中国国内聚丙烯催化剂技术及研发进展——中石油石油化工研究院主任、教授级高工 义建军

Global research and application of PP catalyst technology

By Dr. CP Cheng, Chief Technology Officer, Clariant

国外聚丙烯催化剂技术及应用进展——科莱恩公司首席技术官CP Cheng博士

Development and application of POE in China and the world

By Professor Li Bogeng, Zhejiang University

国内外POE材料的开发与应用进展——浙江大学教授 李伯耿

12:30 pm End of Keynote Speech 报告结束 LUNCH (Buffet) 自助午餐

DAY 2 – WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 3月30日周三(会议第2天)

Workshop/Enterprise on-site visit/Expert communication and Q&A

