
作者:流程君 文章来源:法国德科 发布时间:2019-05-17




 Process:As a reliable valve vender who has serviced in the industry over years, what’s the core competitive strengths of descote?


李文森:Considering that descote specializes in Engineering solutions for Criticial, Toxic, lethal, and corrosive applications for all these years, our vision is simple:The sensitive nature of our applications, such as Phosgene, does not leave any room for mistakes.  We strive to remain focused and dedicated to our core values.  Compromising reliability and safety is not an option. Conti-nuous learning and improvement.  Although Standards and Regulations have helped to raise quality standards significantly along the years, they remain  general and stand only as a minimum requirement.  descote, as a member of the Halogen Society, holds the responsibility to supply the Right product for the Right application.Stable, Reliable, and Safe operations … more than ever, these are the needs from our customers in the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry. Our primary goal is to supply equipment that we qualify as “Fit and Forget”.


Process:What’s the strategic position of China market in descote’s blueprint strategy? Facing the opportunities and challenges in China market, how descote makes full use of competitive advantages?


李文森:As early as 1995, descote participated to the first ACHEMASIA and attended the opening ceremony in Beijing as the official representative for the French Manufacturers’ Association.  During this event, meeting with High Representatives of the China Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, one of the members during banquet expressed to us the following:  “at the same time as considering any environmental and safety concerns, our most important issue is to make sure that our factories and plants prod-uce at full capacity, with stable operations”.Since then, descote has followed this mission and will continue to support our customers in China in achieving their goals.  We believe our customers and our performance remain the best proof of our dedication and consideration for the China market.





Process:Topics relating aging equipment and safety training are gaining increasing attentions by enterprises nowadays, what’s descote’s outstand-ing  solutions coping with high hazardous working condition?


李文森:Need for a partner and not just a supplier.  For such sensitive app-lication, it is important to have knowledgeable and constructive communica-tion between plant people and its supplier.  Better understanding the specific challenges of each application is critical for constant improvement and redu-ce risks.  In this regard, Descote has A dedicated team to quality and our core scope of application to support our customers on a daily basis, off- and on-site.A close relationship with our Factory in France for any support for specific issues.A professional Service Center, trained at our factory and specialized only in handling our core valves, which is necessary since 2008.Selecting the right equipment in first hand is clearly the most important.  But surely handling, maintaining, and keeping an equipment in the right condition to perform at best, requires descote to remain in close relationship and continuous communication with its customers.  “Do’s and don’ts”, “Best Practices”, “Experience-based recommendations” are an important part of our discussions with our customers.


Process:As a member of the expert group on EuroChlor standards for valves, what’s your opinion about the blackspot and deficiencies of valve selection, application and maintenance among our domestic petrochemical and chemical factories? What’s improvement can descote brings to these companies?


李文森:Simply speaking, I would mention the following:EuroChlor has become a real flagship in the chlorine and halogen International community; it defines concrete guidelines and recommendations for improving safety for any chlorine or chlorinated application.  It is a good start for better understanding the basic rules for handling chlorine. Descote has been supporting EuroChlor since 1983 and will remain an active member to support in performing its mission. Do not confuse between purchasing cost and life-cycle cost of an equipment.  Some of our customers take the time to evaluate the difference between the two and the result is stunning.  Ex:  Unexpected failure and shutdowns, loss of production, cost of maintenance or replacement, cost of manpower, … Eventually this stands as our customers’ competitive edge on the market.  Our customers need equipment that “work”.Valves are always a primary source of daily problems in chemical plants.  But for lethal, harsh, and corrosive application, they should be selected carefully.  They cannot be considered as commodity products as they may result in heavy consequences.

Process:参加本届2019 ACHEMASIA,德科有哪些亮点和重点的产品展示?能为用户解决哪些痛点问题?

Process:As an exhibitor of this 2019 ACHEMASIA, what’s highlights of key products of descote? And which pain spots of users can be solved?

李文森:此次,鉴于在国内发生的几起安全事故,我们展出的产品主要是针对当今工厂在“危险化学品及主要工艺管线中的储罐”这些安全敏感领域,确保危险介质的零泄漏。同时,“提高运行可靠性和精确度”也是我们此次展出的重点关注。从关断阀到调节阀,无论是标准品还是定制品,德科有着规格齐全的产品线,所有的产品都拥有SIL 3认证、零泄漏以及型式试验合格证书满足最新的安全、可靠以及环保要求。我们欢迎您参观我们的E41号展台,更好地了解我们的“与众不同”。

李文森:A major concern today is clearly based on securing sensitive areas in plants such as “Storage areas for Hazardous Chemicals and Main process lines”.  Another is “improving reliability and performance of operations”.Whether it is for “Isolation or Regulation”, “standard or customized”, descote offers a wide selection of solutions that answers the latest safety, reliability, and environmental requirements such SIL 3, Zero-Emission, and China Type Test certification.  We welcome you to better understand “what makes the difference”.


